Call for Abstract

33rd World Congress on Ophthalmology and Optometry, will be organized around the theme “Ophthalmologist advancement and modernization through emerging innovation and research”

Ophthalmology Congress-2023 is comprised of 22 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Ophthalmology Congress-2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Your eyes change as you get older. Even if some problems become more pervasive as you age, they can affect anyone at any age. Presbyopia is a condition where, as one ages, the lens of the eye becomes less flexible and less able to thicken, which reduces its ability to concentrate on nearby objects. The conjunctiva's mucous cell count may decrease with ageing. As people age, their ability to produce tears may decrease, leaving them less available to keep the eye's surface moist. Both of these alterations contribute to the higher prevalence of dry eyes in elderly persons.

Eye disease prevention and treatment

  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma
  • Macular Degeneration Caused by Age
  • Diabetic retinal disease
  • Vision Impairment
  • Age-Related Eye Disorders

The anatomy, physiology, histology, and disorders of the eye and its visual system are all covered under the medical discipline of ophthalmology. Our daily lives depend greatly on our ability to see. Clinical ophthalmology is a medical specialty that focuses on the physiology, diseases, and available therapies for the eyes. Clinical ophthalmology treats and diagnoses eye conditions. Many different eye disorders and ailments can be diagnosed using clinical methods. Clinical ophthalmology focuses primarily on the investigation and understanding of a variety of eye disorders as well as the techniques used in ophthalmic patient care. It also covers, among other things, research on ophthalmic surgical techniques, translational research, and ocular medications.

Basic ophthalmology research is done in experimental ophthalmology

  • Practice of Medicine
  • Ocular Illness
  • Improved Patient Safety and Care Standards
  • Education of the patient and adherence by the patient
  • Compliance/satisfaction with Treatment

Artificial intelligence is the fourth industrial revolution in human history (AI). Recent years have seen a significant increase in interest in deep learning (DL), a family of cutting-edge machine learning techniques. The AI industry has undergone a complete transformation because to the groundbreaking DL AI machine learning technology. In ophthalmology, DL has shown clinically acceptable diagnostic performance in identifying a number of retinal diseases. Future research will be required to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and clinical deployment of various DL systems in clinical practice. The "black-box" component of DL must be explained using both current and emerging methods in order to boost clinical acceptance of DL systems.

  • Fundus Pictures
  • Laser Coherence
  • Imagery and Tomography
  • Eye Imaging
  • "Black-Box" AI algorithms
  • Telemedicine

Eye tumors, also referred to as ocular tumors, are cancers that affect the eyes. Whether malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous), a tumor is a mass of cells that are growing abnormally (noncancerous). The most common kind of eye cancers are metastatic tumors. Ocular oncology is the field that studies and treats malignancies that develop in or around the eyes. These tumors can cause vision loss or even the loss of the eye itself, and they can be benign or life-threatening. A specialty in medicine is ocular care for those who have eye cancer. Certainly, the challenges faced differ from those faced in a typical ophthalmology practice.

  • Early cancer detection using biomarkers
  • Supplemental Therapies
  • Following Treatment for Ocular Melanoma, Better Visual Results
  • Nursing Care
  • Ocular Tumor Types
  • The difficulties of ocular oncology

Ophthalmologists perform surgery on the eye or its adnexa, which is known as eye surgery or ocular surgery. Because the eye is such a delicate organ, particular care must be taken to prevent or minimize future damage before, during, and after surgery. A qualified eye surgeon is in charge of selecting the most appropriate surgical technique for the patient and making sure that all required safety precautions are implemented. The eye has a dense network of nerves, thus anesthesia is necessary. Local anesthetic is the kind of anesthesia that is most frequently used. Eye surgery can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including glaucoma, cataracts, detached retinas, retinal tears, diabetic retinopathy, nearsightedness, and farsightedness.

  • Operation on the retina
  • Eye Plastic Surgery
  • Laser Eye Surgery
  • Trans cataract Surgery
  • Surgery Refractive
  • Surgery for Reconstruction

An ophthalmologist is a doctor who focuses on the early detection, evaluation, and treatment of eye conditions. Only when the results will directly affect the patient's care are diagnostic tests frequently ordered. The study and treatment of eye conditions are the focus of the medical specialty known as experimental ophthalmology. It is the laboratory research of vision issues, eye conditions, and the use of medicinal, surgical, and optical interventions. Finding both infectious and noninfectious causes requires diagnostic testing.

  • Lab Equipment
  • Tests for diagnosis

It is simpler to carry out daily tasks if you have good vision. However, vision issues are a common problem. Neuro-ophthalmology is a subspecialty of both neurology and ophthalmology. Eye specialists known as neuro ophthalmologists are experts in neurologically-related vision problems. A physician with particular expertise in the identification and management of neurological and systemic conditions that affect vision and eye movement is known as a neuro-ophthalmologist. Neuro-ophthalmologists have detected a number of illnesses, some of which are not life threatening, while others may worsen and result in irreparable vision loss or even death. The issue might only affect the optic nerve or nervous system, or it might be connected to a more widespread medical condition.

  • Ophthalmologic and Neurologic Sciences
  • Identification and Treatment
  • Neoplastic Diseases that Impact the Oculomotor System

The diagnosis and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the eyes are the focus of the medical specialty known as ophthalmology. To receive visual information is the function of the human eye. Over the past ten years, there has been a huge advancement in our understanding of ocular illnesses due to the availability and development of novel in vivo imaging technologies. Recent advancements in diagnostic techniques have altered the therapeutic treatments. The field of ophthalmology has recently seen several fascinating developments, notably in anterior segment technologies. In order to diagnose and treat disorders that affect the back of the eye, imaging has become essential. Recent years have seen a rise in the popularity of imaging systems for the anterior segment, which are now often used in clinical settings.

  • Innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Current Ophthalmology Trends
  • Health Observations
  • A case study

The best solutions to treat their patients more effectively are continually being sought after by ophthalmologists. The creation of diagnostic tools that are more precise and effective is a crucial aspect of this endeavor. The early stages of pars plane vitrectomy, when instrumentation and diagnostic instruments were scarce and the number of entities that could be diagnosed by invasive methods was constrained, saw a tremendous advancement in ophthalmology diagnostic procedures. The use of modern tools has greatly enhanced the treatment of common eye disorders and eye care. As new technologies are developed, the capacity to recognize and address eye issues as well as the general standard of eye care will improve.

  • Non-intrusive Diagnostic Methods
  • Ophthalmology Diagnostic Techniques
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic equipment
  • Diagnostic tests and ophthalmic equipment

The coronavirus's global pandemic has had a significant and enduring impact. There is still much to learn about the condition. Conjunctivitis was once believed to be an ocular symptom of SARS-CoV-2 infection due to several anecdotal and published reports of eye redness and irritation in COVID-19 patients. According to recent study, COVID-19 has been connected to uveitis, Retinovascular, and neuro-ophthalmic disease. It has been determined from the results in the patients' eyes that the SAR-CoV-2 virus can also infect unprotected eyes. The COVID-19 medications also have negative effects on the eyes.

Although long-term use of the antimalarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine can harm the retina, this is neither anticipated nor observed with COVID-19.

  • Conjunctivitis Follicular
  • Central Vein Occlusion of the Retina
  • A central retinal artery blockage
  • Mucormycosis
  • eye inflammation
  • Cranial nerve paralysis

The practice of optometry involves examining the eyes and other visual systems for flaws or anomalies, prescription glasses or contact lenses to correct refractive faults, and treating various eye conditions. Optometrists are eye doctors with a focus on routine eye care.

The retina, optic disc, choroid, and blood vessels in the back of the eye are all examined during an ophthalmoscopy technique (fundus). Fundus copy is another name for it. It might be carried out during an eye checkup or as part of a routine physical examination. For assessing the health of the retina, optic disc, and vitreous humor, it is essential.

Ophthalmic pathology is a lab-based science that evaluates samples taken from patients and offers ophthalmologists and other healthcare professionals a diagnosis. For a precise diagnosis, ophthalmic pathologists analyses tissues that have been removed by ophthalmologists. Both a dark and a bright microscope are used to examine the diseased tissue.

  • Exams and Diagnosis of Disease
  • Eye diseases: their causes, etiology, and prognosis
  • Contacts and glasses
  • Sky Blue
  • Examining the Fundus Dilatable
  • Grant Photography
  • Grant Research

The complex process of developing the normal eye, which takes place in the first trimester of pregnancy, is regulated by a number of genes. A significant eye ailment can arise when these genes make errors (known as mutations). Ophthalmic genetics is a vital and quickly developing topic globally. Global genetic illnesses are on the rise as a result of ethnic diversity and high consanguinity rates. Blindness in persons in their working years is most frequently caused by inherited retinal disease (IRD). The introduction of next-generation sequencing methods and concentrated gene panel analysis, among other molecular genetic advancements, have sped up the process of molecular diagnosis. Likewise, advancements in ocular imaging and measures of visual function have improved our comprehension of natural history.

This is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of treatment in studies using possible IRD medications.

  • Applied Clinical Electrophysiology
  • Therapeutic Trials
  • the use of genes
  • Genomics
  • phenotypic-genotypic correlation
  • Gene mutagenesis
  • Sequencing of genes
  • Genetic Retinal Disorder
  • Chemical Biology
  • Genetics in Ophthalmology
  • A retinal scan
  • a stem cell

The majority of people experience visual issues at some point in their lives. While some of the symptoms are minor and will go away on their own, others are easily treated at home. Others need a professional's assistance. Whether your vision has declined or has never improved, there are steps you can do to restore it. A few of the diseases that can affect the eye include infections of the eye or eyelids, genetically inherited eye conditions, eye injuries or objects in the eye, and vision difficulties brought on by conditions affecting several organs (e.g., diabetes or hypertension)

The lack of early signs in many eye problems makes therapy more difficult, and delayed development of visual defects makes the condition harder to treat.

  • Optical Mistakes
  • Macular Degeneration Associated With Age
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataract
  • Diabetes Retinopathy
  • Amblyopia
  • Strabismus
  • Uveitis
  • Lower Vision
  • Recovery from Low Vision
  • Eye pigmentation
  • Eye Thyroid Disorder (TED or Graves Eye Disease)
  • macular edema due to diabetes
  • Visual impairment

Primary eye care (PEC) is a broad phrase that refers to using primary healthcare to prevent potentially blinding eye conditions (PHC). PEC includes identifying individuals with preventable causes of blindness as well as the diagnosis and treatment of prevalent eye diseases, particularly those that result in an acute red eye. In every community and region of the world, primary eye care is an essential part in preventing blindness. Without basic eye care, only patients who visit secondary and tertiary clinics will receive a diagnosis and treatment, and little will be done to avoid the condition.

Acute care is required when a patient has a temporary but serious disease, accident, or other eye health issue. Ailments like trachoma, glaucoma, and cataract are treated on a secondary level, in places like hospitals.

  • Eye camps for diagnosis
  • Eye Donation Awareness Programs
  • Easily avoidable causes of blindness

Regenerative ophthalmology (RO) is one of the most active subspecialties of regenerative medicine (RM), which is one of the most exciting areas of the discipline. Congenital degenerations and AMD are just a couple of the conditions that cutting-edge medicines are being tested to cure. By using cells, bioactive compounds, and biomaterials to replace or regenerate tissues and organs, regenerative ophthalmology (RO) aims to restore function. These innovative therapeutic approaches could boost the efficacy and efficiency of the treatment of eye diseases. Researchers from RO have concentrated on the regeneration of lost or damaged eye tissues as a new approach to treating vision impairment and blindness brought on by ocular degenerative conditions, trauma, or infection as a result of the progress of tissue engineering technologies.

  • Ophthalmology using Regenerative Nanotechnology
  • The CRISPR-CA’s System
  • Stem cells, biomaterials, and gene therapy
  • Innovative Regenerative Ophthalmology Tools


The frontier of science and technology, nanotechnology is a relatively new idea. It penetrates using nanometer-sized molecules and has proven useful in space exploration, medical research, and other scientific disciplines. The eye is a perfect target for nanotechnology because it is a tiny organ that is accessible due to its exposed placement. According to some sources, "the discovery of nanomedicines has reawakened tremendous aspirations for ocular pharmacotherapy, in which nanostructured pharmaceuticals are projected to pass through the eye's limiting barriers." Adoption of nanotechnology is still hampered by concerns about safe production practices and unanticipated biological effects of nanomaterial use. These obstacles are not insurmountable, and this emerging industry is likely to produce ground-breaking therapies for ocular illnesses.

  • Nanomedicine
  • Nanoscopic pharmaceuticals
  • Nanostructured Medicine

The study of ailments relating to the eyes is known as ophthalmology. The doctors that treat this organ surgically and medically are known as ophthalmologists. Ophthalmologists diagnose, treat, and oftentimes even prevent eye conditions and vision impairments. A doctor of ophthalmology may be able to spot symptoms of disorders unrelated to the eyes in addition to providing care for the eyes and eyesight thanks to their medical knowledge. In these situations, they can recommend patients for the right kind of care.

Vision science, an interdisciplinary study of visual systems and perception, includes ophthalmology, optometry, molecular genetics, neurology, and physiological optics. Vision science studies all part of the visual process, including the anatomy, biochemistry, optics, and physiology of the eye. Numerous study topics about how and why eyesight fails in humans, what can be done to prevent it, and how and why it arises in the field of vision science.

  • Optometry
  • Visionary Science
  • Drug Therapy and Pharmacology in Eye Diseases
  • Secondary and Primary Eye Care
  • Tips and Instruments for Ophthalmology Surgery


An ophthalmologist is a medical or osteopathic specialist who focuses in treating eye and vision problems. Ophthalmologists are distinct from optometrists and opticians in terms of their training as well as the conditions they may identify and treat. The field of ophthalmology has both opportunities and challenges in the future. Future ophthalmology clinics will be rewarded for offering effective and high-quality care, therefore they must be ready to assist evolving, integrated healthcare systems. High-quality, effective care includes standardized care processes built on established practice norms and matching the level of therapy to the practitioner's level of experience. Ophthalmology has been fortunate over the years to have visionary leaders who have helped us adapt, thrive, and advance the public's eye health.

These qualities should be beneficial to us in the future.

  • Ophthalmology's future trends
  • Problems Ophthalmologists Face
  • Population, economics, computing, and human factors

Patient education is the process of giving patients and their careers information that will enable them to alter their lifestyle choices or enhance their health. To encourage patient education and engagement, doctors must raise patients' health literacy. Health literacy is the capacity to find, comprehend, and act on health information. In order to produce a therapeutic result, adhesion is described as the patient's "active, voluntary, and collaborative engagement in a mutually acceptable course of activity." The idea of adherence includes both mutuality and choice in the creation of goals, treatment planning, and regimen delivery.

Ocular hypertension is a condition when the internal pressure of the eye is elevated above normal. Ocular hypertension can strike anyone at any age, but it strikes African Americans, people over 40, and people with a family history of the condition more frequently. People with diabetes or people who are very nearsighted are also more likely to experience it.

The term "ocular migraine" has been used to characterize a variety of migraine subtypes that are distinguished by aberrant visual symptoms include sight loss, blind spots, zigzag lines, or seeing stars. Unlike other types of migraine, they can happen without any accompanying headache.

The capacity to view items around you without having to move your eyes or turn your head is known as peripheral vision, also referred to as side vision. It also helps with controlling your environment without running into anything and detecting motion around you.

  • Acute Intraocular Pressure
  • Migraine Retinal
  • Ocular Migraine: Understanding & Treatment
  • Ocular Migraine Reactions
  • Factors That Increase Your Risk For Ocular Hypertension, Migraines, and Loss of Peripheral Vision

Pediatric ophthalmology is an intriguing discipline, yet at times it can be upsetting owing to the challenges of evaluating a child. Kid ophthalmologists have more knowledge and expertise diagnosing and treating common pediatric eye problems, even though all ophthalmologists have some training in pediatric eye conditions. Pediatric ophthalmologists are specialists in examining, identifying, and treating eye conditions in newborns, kids, and teenagers. Due to the fact that they perform eye procedures on children, pediatric ophthalmologists are both surgical and medical specialists.

In the case of strabismus, neither eye aligns in the same direction. They aren't staring at the same object at the same moment as a result. The most common kind of strabismus is "crossed eyes." There may be occasional occurrences of the ailment or it may be constant. If it persists throughout a child's formative years, it may result in amblyopia (lazy eyes) and a loss of depth perception.

  • Birth defects of the eyes
  • Problems with eye alignment
  • Children's Eye Conditions
  • Eye disorders diagnosis and treatment

Rehabilitation, which means "being able again," helps patients restore their independence in terms of their physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The goal of rehabilitation is not to repair or reverse the causes of the harm, but rather to improve function and independence through adaptation. Vision rehabilitation is a type of medical rehabilitation intended to enhance vision or low vision (also known as vision rehab). In other words, it is the process of improving quality of life and independence for someone who has lost their vision due to illness or injury while restoring functional competence. Optometrists can assist their patients in regaining function, independence, and overall health by providing low vision rehabilitation.

  • Clinical Research and Therapy
  • A neurological perspective
  • Chemical Interventions
  • Physical Method